Wednesday, August 9, 2017

rejection of mental activities

From ~~~~ Living by the Words of Bhagavan.
Annamalai Swami:
When the mind appears every morning
don't jump to the usual conclusion,
"This is me; these thoughts are mine."
watch these thoughts come and go
without identifying with them in any way.
If you can resist the impulse
to claim each and every thought as your own,
you will come to a startling conclusion:
you will discover that you are the consciousness
in which the thoughts appear and disappear.
When the rejection of mental activities
becomes continuous and automatic,
you will begin to have the experience
of the Self.

The thought “I am meditating” is an ego thought. 

If real meditation is taking place, this thought cannot arise.

Annamalai Swami

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Questioner: If I say, my mind is conditioned, then that "I" is also a conditioned thing, then I don’t know what else is left. J.Kr...